Where Everybody Is Somebody
We are the spiritual headquarter for families to unite, and grow in their faith, through the freedom of worship and fellowship, while connecting on navigating life, and embracing their earthly purpose and serving one another in love.
-Pastor Che
What we believe?
We believe there is only one Creator, His name is God. He created the universe and everything within it and rules over it. He lives and exist as the Holy trinity in the forms of three persons known as: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. He is God in the flesh, born of the virgin Mary. Jesus is without sin whom came to Earth as a living sacrifice for all mankind who died on a cross. He rose from the dead and ascended unto God the Father in the sky and is now seated at God's right hand serving as the intercessor between God and man. He will invite the dead to be resurrected from the body to join him, when he returns.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. He lives in every christian once they accept Jesus as their personal Lord and savior through salvation. The Holy Spirit is the power that lives within, providing understanding of the truth, and the supreme wisdom for our living. We believe the Holy Spirit endows every human being which receives and believe the Lord to be their savior with spiritual gifts to enable access to God's plan in the Earth. One must continually work to grow in the spirit to mature in their Christ centered walk through faith.
We believe the bible is the inspired word of God spoken and written by man, under the regulation of the supernatural authority of the Holy Spirit. It is the authoritative instruction for faith and practice.